Welcome to The
School of Mythopoetics
The Underworld awaits.
You find yourself at a threshold
to the dark woods.
Everything in your life
has brought you to this place.
Although dangerous, there is
an allurement to the dark and wild.
Do you heed the call?

What is myth·o·po·et·ics?
The practice and lens of using story, poetry, and myth to wrangle meaning for oneself and our collective journey. It’s the reawakening of the mythic imagination in modern times.
Humanity is undergoing a great initiation right now.
Uncertainty is the increasing measure
of our days.
The control-oriented maps of meaning
fail us here.
These dark hollows are the terrain of soul.
To find our way, we must learn to speak
the soul’s language, the mythopoetics that arise of birdsong, of thunderstorm, of crossroad, of metaphor and myth.
Your initiation will require you
to court once again these wild Gods.
This School is a container
for a regenerative cultural movement.
We weave master teachers and guides who offer compelling perspectives on mythology, ritual, activism & culture:
Martin Shaw
Mythologist and Storyteller
Pat McCabe
Indigenous Wisdom-Keeper
Michael Meade
Mythologist and Storyteller
Jan Blake
Stephen Jenkinson
Farmer and Culture Activist
Bayo Akomolafe
Philosopher and Author
Sophie Strand
Author and Poet
Andreas Kornevall
Mythologist and Author
Charles Eisenstein
Philosopher and Writer
Leah Lamb
Storyteller and Educator
Maya Luna
Zamir Dhanji
Yogi and Storyteller
And Many More…
How Are We Guided?
Based on many lineages, elders, mentors, and teachers who have guided us, we have woven a truly unique map of initiation into wholeness.
The School follows this Astro-Mythological, Ancestral European Wheel of the Year. Each Solar Month is associated with a specific archetype and essence which provides the framework for a rotating collective inquiry.
We are Decolonizing and Re-Storying Time.
Regenerating Culture.
Returning To the Soul of the World.
The School is for you if you are:
Ready to learn from the greatest teachers and guides in mythopoetics
Seeking initiation into the mysteries of soul
Drawn to story, myth, and imagination
Recognize there is a lack of initiation, rites of passage,
& eldership in our cultureLonging to belong, to be challenged & integrate
Looking for lucid perspective for the times we are living through

What Current Scholars Are Saying:
Together we will find our way through the dark...
Culture is built from the invisible learning that happens in a relational web of mentorship. We weave this fabric and connect you in relationships where you are held, reflected and challenged to alchemize your wounds into gifts.
Initiatory process needs strong containership. Together we build containers based on the age-old model: Preparation, Severance, Threshold, and Return. The underworld is only generative if we are anchored in the return.
The chief problem with Initiation in the modern era is an addiction to Severance. Here we braid our belonging through our willingness to return, share our stories, and together feel our way through the dark.

Included in School Tuition:
No one can walk your path for you,
but here are the stepping stones of groups, guides & paths
you’ll connect with when you join.
More will be revealed as the path unfolds!
Astro-Mythological Wheel of the Year
Receive a monthly transmission weaving astrology, insight and myth.
Storyweavers Study Group
Twice a month, we dive deep with a story together and apply its medicine to our lives and worlds.
Solar Sessions with Master Teachers
We bring the best teachers & guides for sessions aligned with the Solar Theme.
The Crow's Nest
Co-founder Ian MacKenzie offers an exclusive weekly pulse on the School and culture.
Way of Council
Deepen connection in a weekly heart-centred sharing circle with fellow scholars.
Men's + Women's + Elders' Lodges
Each month, we break into Lodges to integrate our process in a sacred container.
Mythic Progress Logs
Each New and Full Moon, track your progress and get feedback in your own mythic journal.
Emergent Community
Connect, witness, and deepen with like-hearted seekers in our vibrant online network.
Plant Spirit Circle
Journey and commune with a plant each month as we reconnect to the heart of nature.
Storyweavers Study Group
For millennia, humans have gathered to drink from the well of story. The pan-cultural tradition of oral storytelling is a vital practice and technology that brings us into coherence with one another and offers space to reflect, imagine, and orient ourselves in deep time.
In our twice-monthly Storyweavers calls, we build our mythic village by delving into a new story each month, guided by archetypal themes of each astrological sign we traverse. In the month’s first session, we gather to hear a story and reflect on how it weaves with our lives and worlds; in the second session, we reconvene to dive even deeper with our reflections. In some months, we also focus on sharing our own stories and cultivating the art of storytelling together.
Together, we deepen our understanding—and living—of our place in the ever-unfolding story we share with the earth, the other-than-human realms, and one another.

School Tuition
$539 when paid annually (1 month free)
Get a 2 Week Free Trial
What’s Included:
Storyweavers Study Group
Discounts on Upcoming Courses & Special Events
Solar Sessions with Guest Teachers
Astro-Mythological Solar/Lunar Reports
Men's + Women's + Elders’ Lodges
Plant Spirit Circle
Weekly Way of Council
Mythic Progress Logs
Private Community
Scholarships are available if you need support. Please fill out this form.
Any questions? Email hello@schoolofmythopoetics.com
Letter from the Core Stewards
We live in dark times. Too many of us have plunged into the dark through “rough” initiations, and the wreckage accrues on the shores of our lives.
We are lovers of stories, and in the times of our own dark nights, we turn to stories to find solace, meaning and guidance. The old stories speak of uncertainty and of danger but also of allurement, magic, of hidden treasure. In these stories, those in trouble lose their way—only to find themselves, after tribulations, chance encounters, and much unexpected help, opened to deeper truths about something sacred within and without. Through their journey in the unknown, they become re-oriented to the meaning of their own path and what they now must do.
In these stories, the trouble bears the heft of undoing as much as it bears the weight of its own healing—and when the collective skies grow dim, we find that what is most ugly and wounded often is the precise measure of salvation.
In these stories, there is also held an eldership, a perennial pattern of human design that we know as initiation—whereby through being guided and held in the underworld, one realizes their wounds as the seeds of the gifts they are meant to give.
As young people, we needed spaces to be held, mentored, guided, seen, and challenged. We often didn’t receive this. Now, we follow the words of the ecstatic poet Rumi: “If you’ve not been fed, be bread.”
This School was born from our own immersions in the dark, the visions and gift-sprouts of our wound-wrestling and wound-tending, and we hope it can offer a breadcrumb trail for you back into relationship with the many mysteries. The human soul—and the more-than-human spirits and forces—are waiting for us to deepen, listen, and learn together.
Come and walk the path into the catastrophe with us. Together we’ll find our way.
We are the weavers, curators and care-takers for this community.
Your Stewards
Marie Louise Goodwin
Writer, Animist, Forest-Being, Mama Bear
Marie was trained as an archaeologist but now is recovering from academia as a writer, animist, historian, and lay-herbalist. Her ancestors hale from Wales, Cornwall, Cumbria, Northumbria, and Scotland and thus carries a life-long resentment of the Romans for their attempts to colonize her people and the destruction of their animistic beliefs.
After studying Bronze Age Aegean archaeoastronomy in graduate school, Marie transitioned into a career as an alternative currency and Transition Town advocate. This, in turn, led to her work as a consultant to authors, public speakers, and non-profits, helping them make the most of their online presence, coordinating projects and administrative structures, and planning events and retreats.
Marie also unschooled both of her children (now thriving teens and adults) and is passionate about alternative education and partnership parenting. Marie lives in the borough of Media, Pennsylvania, on the traditional and unceded territory of the Lenni-Lenape people. When not dancing at EDM festivals and making plant medicine, Marie is birthing her first series of speculative historical fiction based in the medieval North Atlantic.
Ian MacKenzie
Filmmaker, Podcaster and Creative Mentor
Ian MacKenzie is a filmmaker and writer who lives on the Salish Sea with his partner and young son. For over 12 years, he’s been tracking the global emergence of new culture. From the desert of Burning Man to the heart of Occupy Wall St, he has sought and amplified the voices of visionaries, artists and activists who have been working toward planetary system change.
He is most known for his films Sacred Economics, Amplify Her, Occupy Love, and Lost Nation Road. He has studied with Stephen Jenkinson at the Orphan Wisdom School since 2012, and Tamera Healing Biotope since 2015.
In 2019, he founded The Mythic Masculine podcast and in 2020 he launched A Gathering of Stories.
John Wolfstone
Rites of Passage Guide, Facilitator, Story-teller
John is third-generation settler, working on the Traditional and Unceded territory of the Quw’utsun’ and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples. His blood and bones hold Hebraic, Norse and Celtic ancestry, and his spirit is from the Stars. As a wilderness rites-of-passage guide, ritualist, community consultant, relationship coach, and transmedia story-teller, John is on a mission to reclamate adulthood initiation rites-of-passage.
Holding space for the great grief of our times, John designs and facilitates rituals of transformation, in service to regulating the personal and collective nervous systems back to belonging with the Earth. John apprenticed in numerous Indigineous and ancestral ritual healing lineages during his decade long adulthood initiation quest, and bows in reverence to his many teachers, mentors, guides and elders.
John tends thresholds of all kinds, and can often be found praying by a fire, whistling bird song, invoking his ancestors, and training his craft as a sacred huntsman.
Daniel Robert
Astro-mythic Wanderer, Facilitator
Daniel is an astrologer, facilitator, professional mediator, artist, and embodied movement practitioner and teacher. His Irish and Italian roots anchor him with a fiercely devotional and rebellious spirit, as well as good taste, and a propensity for well-crafted dark beer.
He lives and works on the Traditional and Unceded territory of the Quw’utsun’ and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples in a place now known as Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. Daniel is devoted to offering his gifts in service to the re-emergence of village, the healing of the masculine, and the re-rooting of human beings as guardians of celestial and earthly time through embodied men’s work, astro-mythological guiding, and facilitating processes for personal and collective revolution.
After years of living and leading in intentional community projects, Daniel is now building his own home on a communal farm. Daniel holds a blue-belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and when not building, facilitating or grappling, can be found playing music, at the skatepark, or crafting illustrations.
Kirsten Louise Webb
Writer, Storyteller, Facilitator, Ritual & Performing Artist
Kirsten Louise Webb is of Samí, French Canadian, Irish, Scottish, Cornish, Scandinavian, and German ancestry, is often nomadic, and is currently dancing with the lands and waters of the Salish Sea. A devotee of the mysteries of intuition, embodiment, and living as the Earth, she spent almost two decades traversing the underworlds of chronic illness, including a couple years living almost entirely outdoors.
Her writing, art, facilitation, and performance work focus on imagination, navigating uncertainty, body as Earth, cultivating the experience of collective as emergent organism, tending ancestral threads, weaving with and feeding the more-than-human realms, the power of story and ritual to illuminate and transform consciousness, and living into experimental and edgewalker ways of being to help evolve what’s possible amidst deep cultural and planetary shifting.
Benjamin Murphy
Storyteller, Writer, and Mythosomatic Guide
Ben has guided groups and individuals into deep states of embodied presence through breath and bodywork for over ten years. This body-centered work merges with his study of myth and story in his role as a Mythosomatic guide, bridging the gap between the stories we tell ourselves, both big and small, and how we enact them in the world. He integrates a spectrum of mythological, philosophical, and psychological thought in his writing and facilitation, drawing on the Mythopoetic Movement, ReWilding, Attachment Theory, and Animism. Since 2017, he has focused on the path toward a transformed concept and embodiment of masculinity, aiming to cultivate a more holistic, heart-centered orientation that prioritizes meaning and belonging.
Ben currently lives in the Pacific Northwest and works with the School of Mythopoetics and ReWild Portland to foster resilience and personal fulfillment within his community.