Zamir Dhanji
Zamir is a poet, author, storyteller and yoga teacher whose imaginary friends for many years were the mystics and masters of old. His hand is turned to the craft of conveying wisdom through the simple tale. Transformation is his trade, and he draws upon the wellspring of myth that his ancestry affords him.
He has served as a master of ceremonies for large gatherings such as the Beloved Music Festival, as well as more intimate rites of passage circles around the fire as program director for the Teen Journey Society. He most recently published The Inner Path : Yoga Philosophy Practice Deck: a kind of yoga tarot for sincere seekers and lovers of yoga philosophy available through Mystic Yogi. He also works as counsellor in a trauma-informed psychotherapy modality called Compassionate Inquiry, developed by Dr. Gabor Mate, which helps us see behind the appearances we present to the world and heal from the limiting stories that bind us.
Website: Zamir Dhanji