Wolf Milk
A 3-Day Immersion on Wilderness, Story & Rites of Passage with Dr. Martin Shaw
May 12-14, 2023
Vancouver Island
In a myth from the Caucasus there’s an ancient belief that to become a true human being you need to drink the milk of wolves. Anything more domestic simply won’t do.
Over our time together, Martin will be endeavouring to point towards where we could find such protein.
Drawing from his lifetime’s work as both an oral storyteller and a wilderness rites-of-passage guide, we will explore myths that live at the very edge of the fire. Some of these tales will be epic in scale, others short enough to put in your pocket and take back to your communities.
Shaw will often be teaching from Celtic lore and story, including a rare rendition of the Invasion Tales of Tuatha De Danann and a hidden gem of Hebridean folk-knowledge, Cinderbiter.
We will return to an essential question: what do I love? What’ll it cost? What I am prepared to pay?
Over our time together we will hear, explore, and occasionally even tell stories. We will look into the roots of wilderness rites of passage, and how we could deepen into a sense of the mythic ground we stand upon.
This will be a masterclass in taking your imagination for a long walk, and a rare opportunity to work with one of the leading myth teachers of our age.
We will gather at OUR Ecovillage, a 25-acre Regenerative Living Demonstration, Research Center and Bioregional School hosting a land-based permaculture learning community.
1565 Baldy Mountain Rd, Shawnigan Lake, BC V0R 2W2
The gathering will run from the afternoon of May 12th to around 2pm on May 14th.
Note: The food plan (5 delicious meals) is part of all accommodation options, whether you’re staying onsite or not.
This keeps things simple for planning and preparing the food.
Dietary options will be added.
Dorm Bed & All Meals - $650 CAD
(includes linens) Only 28 available.
Camping/RV Spot & All Meals - $610 CAD
Staying Offsite - $550 CAD
(includes meal plan only)
Split payments available.
If you would like to UPGRADE your accommodation at OUR Ecovillage, please register for a Camping Spot and be in touch with them: info@ourecovillage.org
Scholarship applications are now closed.