Way of Council Training

Facilitating Life-Giving Groups

Weekend 1: September 2 + 3, 2023
Weekend 2: September 9 + 10, 2023

What Is Council?

We humans are social animals. We need effective ways to share our experiences and feelings, discover that we are not alone,and spend time in spaces conducive to healing and growth.

As groups and communities, we need ways to explore and resolve conflicts and tensions, make wisdom-centred decisions with integrity,and co-imagine and co-create our futures.

The practice known as the Way of Council is a means to recover these essential skills and values.

In this modern expression of ancient and universal practices, we come together as equals, in a circle. We speak our truth, one at a time, and listen from the heart, without judgement.

This is an online introductory course for those who want to begin to facilitate groups in this way, or simply participate in them more fully.

Council is a Weekly Space we offer in
The School of Mythopoetics

And now, you’re invited to a two-weekend workshop that allows you to learn the basics of facilitating your own Council circles. This is experiential learning, where we learn by doing, gradually going deeper as our skills and confidence grow.

This workshop will take you on a journey of discovery as you relearn long-forgotten arts of deep listening, honest speaking, shared vulnerability, and group solidarity.

Come and learn the essential elements of Council, its uses and benefits, its history, and the many forms & styles that enable it to adapt to different groups and situations. Discover firsthand the skills and aptitudes to facilitate safe, effective Council circles.


Each weekend features four live 2-hour sessions
via Zoom:

Weekend 1: September 2 + 3, 2023

Weekend 2: September 9 + 10, 2023

Sessions are from
4pm-6pm & 7pm-9pm UK Time (BST)
8am-10am & 11am-1pm Pacific (PDT)

to suit both North American & European time zones

Cost: £395 GBP / $505 USD / $665 CAD  
(or £250 and equivalent for those experiencing financial hardship. Please email dave@truecircles.com to inquire about the scholarship rate).

Limited to 9 participants.

Meet Your Guide: Dave Bingham

I'm Dave Bingham. I'm a husband, father, and grandfather. I've been a bus-driver and I've been a consulting director. I've been an (inner and outer) wilderness guide and a men's work 'elder'.

​I've trained in eco-psychology, human development, and spiritual accompaniment. I'm a mountain-lover, wild-camper, and a contemplative.

But most of all, I'm what's called a Recognised Trainer in the Way of Council, that means I take it with me wherever I go and into all aspects of my life. Anytime that Council might serve, I'll offer it. And so it is that I've sat in Council circles with men, women, with all genders & orientations together, with children and their foster parents, with prisoners, with addicts, with trustees, with a jury.

I've practiced Council knowingly and intentionally for 15 years now - and offer trainings through my platform True Circles.

Outline of Syllabus

This will be an opportunity for a new/old way to emerge, take shape, open the heart and practice the powerful yet simple forms of council, immediately applicable for professional and personal life.

Below are some of the things we will look to cover, always dependent on what intentions each participant will bring as to how we shape the training in response, work with to support and establish integrity, true feeling and clarity in best practice communication.

In Introduction to Council, we learn how to find and trust our authentic voice.

Telling The Story

What is Council? History of Council, Contemporary "remembering" of council and our experiences; the Ojai lineage/connection. Why do we practice Council? Who does it serve? Why do we feel a strong call for council in contemporary life?


Different Uses of Council: community building, visioning, decision‐making, story telling, social integration and education, conflict exploration, healing, celebration, team-building etc. Different Settings for Council: business organizations, schools, communities, groups of healing professionals, families, intimate relationships, etc.

Creating the Container

Creating a special sense of place and time: the circle, where all can see each other. Setting the Center, assurances of open emotional space and safety, marking the special quality of process, dedications and group commitment


The Four Intentions, acknowledging expression & culture, what will serve? Confidentiality, “Yes/And” rather than “but or no," silence, language and non‐verbal council. Self‐monitoring of reactivity, council is not therapy—not about fixing. Intervention protocol/process intervention

The Talking Piece

The organizing and focusing principle/Axis Mundi, empowerments for the speaker with clear beginning and ending

The Facilitator

Establishing ground rules, keeping a safe container, knowing the culture of the circle, offering structural variations in harmony with the needs and frames of reference of participants. Honoring beginnings and endings, sensitivity to physical needs of group. Forms of Council prompts. When to intervene, time-keeping and thematic focus, turning into the skid/shadow and the role of the Coyote. Concept of 'Reading the Field'—listening between the words and energy perceptions

The Witness

Holding the heart of the group, observing and objective feedback, The Mirror, responsibility and honor, forming the prompts, resonance/active witnessing, listening for commonalities

Openings & Closings

Honoring transition from the “Real World” and “Business as Usual.” Creating a place set aside or “sacred space.” Check‐ins or speed rounds, Ice‐Breakers & games to bring a relaxed and playful atmosphere, inviting courage to speak and be curious in our mutual endeavor of exploration, time for closure/gratitude, determining next steps, acknowledging of the group’s journey

Holding Council in the ‘Zoom Age’

How to maintain the sense of the sacred, technical do’s and don’ts, intention, preparation, adapting the forms to the medium, centering the spirit of Council.

Questions? Email dave@truecircles.com